Saturday 21 June 2008

The Seven Deaths of Thompson Gale

A man killed before his time is offered seven chances to rectify the situation. The catch is, it is his dead selves that must warn him of his impending doom.

Travelling backward each time after death the dead versions gang up until at the end Thom is faced by seven versions of himself. Each version represents an exaggerated, fragmented part of Thom's psyche. They are all only visible to him - each appearing with the damage that killed them the previous time.

The idea is an attempt to turn Joseph Campbell's archetypes and mythic journey inside out. Rather than journeying outward from normal life, Thom journeys inward and backward. The key characters he meets are the aspects of himself he has supressed or ignored getting to this point.

When we first meet Thom he is shown at his worst, we hate him. We almost cheer when he is suddenly mown down by a bus. As we journey back more about his character is revealed and by the end we like him and want him to live.

The last scene could be left open, leaving the viewer to analyse clues throughout the story and judge if he is successful or not.

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